Hello, welcome!

I created this website at 2am in 2016 utilizing a free trial, hoping that I could convince those who stumbled upon my page that I was a serious artist. Which is funny in hindsight- (A) to think that the internet worked in a way where someone would “happen upon” a free-trial-sized, aggressively watermarked, website of a sixteen year old and then be blown out of the water and buy the three things in stock. …and (B) that I ever needed to convince anyone of anything!!! Ultimately this website was fostered by the drawings on my elementary school homework that later became my major as a college student, and then became what I do full-time. Being creative is the truest consistency I’ve had in my life. Not in a, “my life is so turbulent!” way, but in a “I’ve never stuck to anything as sweetly, constantly, and lovingly, as creativity” way. I wanted to allocate space here to share a bit more depth on what it is I aim to do with my time creating and producing.

Growing up as a Mexican, queer girl in a multigenerational household with undocumented family members (a mouthful!), I’ve always had an insatiable need to learn more about the ways I can best care for my family, the communities of my intersecting identities, and those like me. I’ve always wanted to emulate both the support I was shown, and the support I’ve always craved. I wanted to find a way to utilize my creativity to generate funding to various organizations that seek to assist people in their immigration journey. I taught myself how to design, screen print, and learn the ways of the united states postal system…which was the hardest part of it all, believe me. In creating my immigration related work and donating 10% of each purchase, I’ve proudly been able to reallocate money to organizations such as: Rio Bravo Ministries, Kids in Need of Defense (KIND), Angry Tias and Abuelas of Rio Grande Valley, Casa Marianella, etc. And whenever possible, I try to incorporate queer identities when reallocating funds to immigration related organizations. A favorite group of mine is the TGI Justice Project, which focuses on Transgender, Gender-variant, and Intersex people who are impacted by prisons, jails, and detention centers.

This website has given me the space to sort through the feelings I had growing up that wanted to feel useful when it came to supporting my family and other families like mine, and has now created a platform that has allowed me to donate upwards of $10,000.00 and counting.

I sort of weirdly hope it’s obvious that I am still at a loss for words when it comes to expressing gratitude, or answering the question “What do you do now that you’ve graduated?”. I have a hard time registering the beautiful reality that I work full time being self-employed, doing something I love, and working with communities I’m a part of and want to support. As for gratitude, I’ll verbally express it here as well as all over social media/when we meet at pop-ups/when you message me/literally any chance I get - thank you to everyone who has supported me and allowed me to continually reallocate money back into our community. With your word-of-mouth sharing, re-posts, encouragement, and purchases, I’m able to continually work single-handedly outside of my bedroom using sustainable, second hand fabrics that I source, packaged only in compostable or second-use shipping materials. Being able to fund organizations and people that I passionately care about while being mindful of my family members, communities like mine, and our planet has brought me a sort of joy unlike anything I’ve ever done, or anything I’ve ever worked for.

Thank you for everything! Including reading this!